Table of Contents
Regular Contributions
On Correlation Polynomials and Subword Complexity | PostScript PDF Compressed PostScript |
Irina Gheorghiciuc, Mark Daniel Ward |
On the Ehrenfeucht-Mycielski Balance Conjecture | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
John C. Kieffer, W. Szpankowski |
Counting occurrences for a finite set of words: an inclusion-exclusion approach | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
F. Bassino, J. Clément, J. Fayolle, P. Nicodème |
Optimal Prefix and Suffix Queries on Texts | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Maxime Crochemore, Costas S. Iliopoulos, M. Sohel Rahman |
Randomized Optimization: a Probabilistic Analysis | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Jean Cardinal, Stefan Langerman, Guy Louchard |
Combinatorial Dominance Guarantees for Heuristic Algorithms | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Daniel Berend, Steven S. Skiena, Yochai Twitto |
Why almost all satisfiable k-CNF formulas are easy | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Amin Coja-Oghlan, Michael Krivelevich, Dan Vilenchik |
Expected number of locally maximal solutions for random Boolean CSPs | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Nadia Creignou, Hervé Daudé, Olivier Dubois |
A Note on the Approximation of Perpetuities | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Margarete Knape, Ralph Neininger |
HyperLogLog: the analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
P. Flajolet, É. Fusy, O. Gandouet, F. Meunier |
Coherent random permutations with record statistics | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Alexander Gnedin |
Properties of Random Graphs via Boltzmann Samplers | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Konstantinos Panagiotou, Andreas Weißl |
Hamming distance from irreducible polynomials over F2 | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Gilbert Lee, Frank Ruskey, Aaron Williams |
Lattice reduction in two dimensions: analyses under realistic probabilistic models | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
B. Vallée, A. Vera |
Message passing for the coloring problem: Gallager meets Alon and Kahale | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Sonny Ben-Shimon, Dan Vilenchik |
On expected number of maximal points in polytopes | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Yu. Baryshnikov |
Sorting using complete subintervals and the maximum number of runs in a randomly evolving sequence: Extended abstract. | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Svante Janson |
The Height of List-tries and TST | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
N. Broutin, L. Devroye |
Analysis of the total costs for variants of the Union-Find algorithm | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer |
The average position of the first maximum in a sample of geometric random variables | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Margaret Archibald, Arnold Knopfmacher |
Tail Bounds for the Wiener Index of Random Trees | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Tämur Ali Khan, Ralph Neininger |
On the Exit Time of a Random Walk with Positive Drift | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Michael Drmota, Wojciech Szpankowski |
One-sided Variations on Tries: Path Imbalance, Climbing, and Key Sampling | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Costas A. Christophi, Hosam M. Mahmoud |
Degree distribution of random Apollonian network structures and Boltzmann sampling | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Alexis Darrasse, Michèle Soria |
Expected values of statistics on permutation tableaux | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Sylvie Corteel, Paweł Hitczenko |
Limit laws for a class of diminishing urn models. | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer |
Minimal and maximal plateau lengths in Motzkin paths | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Helmut Prodinger, Stephan Wagner |
The Size of the rth Smallest Component in Decomposable Structures with a Restricted Pattern | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Li Dong, Zhicheng Gao, Daniel Panario |
Asynchronous Cellular Automata and Brownian Motion | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Philippe Chassaing, Lucas Gerin |
Quantum random walks in one dimension via generating functions | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Andrew Bressler, Robin Pemantle |
Random permutations and their discrepancy process | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Guillaume Chapuy |
The height of watermelons with wall, Extended Abstract | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Thomas Feierl |
A new method for computing asymptotics of diagonal coefficients of multivariate generating functions | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Alexander Raichev, Mark C. Wilson |
Distributional asymptotics in the analysis of algorithms: Periodicities and discretization | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Rudolf Grübel |
Uniqueness of polynomial canonical representations | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Manuel Lladser |
Online Bandwidth packing with symmetric distribution | GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF |
Marc Lelarge |