Discrete Models: Combinatorics, Computation, and Geometry, DM-CCG 2001

Robert Cori, Jacques Mazoyer, Michel Morvan and Rémy Mosseri (eds.), Proceedings of Discrete Models: Combinatorics, Computation, and Geometry, DM-CCG 2001

Table of Contents

Invited Speakers

Mixing Times of Plane Random Rhombus Tilings GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Nicolas Destainville
An n-Dimensional Generalization of the Rhombus Tiling GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Joakim Linde, Cristopher Moore, Mats G. Nordahl
The Many Faces of Alternating-Sign Matrices GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
James Propp

Full Papers

Tilings, Quasicrystals, Discrete Planes, Generalized Substitutions, and Multidimensional Continued Fractions GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Pierre Arnoux, Valérie Berthé, Hiromi Ei, Shunji Ito
Periodic Patterns in Orbits of Certain Linear Cellular Automata GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
André Barbé, Fritz von Haeseler
Gardens of Eden and Fixed Points in Sequential Dynamical Systems GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Christopher L. Barrett, Harry B. HuntIII, Madhav V. Marathe, S. S. Ravi, Daniel J. Rosenkrantz, Richard E. Stearns, Predrag T. Tosic
Enumerating Triangulations of Convex Polytopes GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Sergei Bespamyatnikh
Pseudo-Permutations II: Geometry and Representation Theory GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
François Boulier, Florent Hivert, Daniel Krob, Jean-Christophe Novelli
A Bijection for Directed-Convex Polyominoes GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Alberto Del Lungo, Massimo Mirolli, Renzo Pinzani, Simone Rinaldi
Representing Reversible Cellular Automata with Reversible Block Cellular Automata GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Jérôme Durand-Lose
New Bounds for Hypercube Slicing Numbers GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
M. Reza Emamy-Khansary, Martin Ziegler
On Minimal Strings Containing the Elements of Sn by Decimation GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Robert Erra, Nik Lygeros, Nigel Stewart
Larger than Life: Digital Creatures in a Family of Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Kellie M. Evans
A Sequential Search Distribution: Proofreading, Russian Roulette, and the Incomplete q-Eulerian Polynomials GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Travis Herbranson, Don Rawlings
Performance Evaluation of Demodulation Methods: a Combinatorial Approach GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Daniel Krob, Ekaterina A. Vassilieva
Partitions of an Integer into Powers GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Matthieu Latapy
Characterization of Lattices Induced by (extended) Chip Firing Games GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Clémence Magnien, Ha Duong Phan, Laurent Vuillon
The Chip Firing Game and Matroid Complexes GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Criel Merino
Tiling the Line with Triples GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Aaron Meyerowitz
On the Toppling of a Sand Pile GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Jean-Christophe Novelli, Dominique Rossin
Tilings of a Domain on a Hexagon Mesh with Balanced 3-Tiles GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Gilles Radenne
A Poset Classifying Non-Commutative Term Orders GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Jan Snellman
Computing Minimal Generating Sets of Invariant Rings of Permutation Groups with SAGBI-Gröbner Basis GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Nicolas M. Thiéry
Megamaps: Construction and Examples GZIP Compressed PostScript PostScript PDF original HTML abstract page
Alexander Zvonkin

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