Table of Contents
Regular Contributions
A New Binomial Recurrence Arising in a Graphical Compression Algorithm | PostScript PDF |
Yongwook Choi, Charles Knessl, Wojciech Szpankowski | 1-12 |
Approximate Counting via the Poisson-Laplace-Mellin Method | PostScript PDF |
Michael Fuchs, Chung-Kuei Lee, Helmut Prodinger | 13-28 |
On death processes and urn models | PostScript PDF |
Markus Kuba, Alois Panholzer | 29-42 |
Asymptotic behavior of some statistics in Ewens random permutations | PostScript PDF |
Valentin Féray | 43-54 |
Asymptotics of Divide-And-Conquer Recurrences Via Iterated Function Systems | PostScript PDF |
John C. Kieffer | 55-66 |
Additive tree functionals with small toll functions and subtrees of random trees | PostScript PDF |
Stephan Wagner | 67-80 |
Domination analysis for scheduling on non preemptive uniformly related machines | PostScript PDF |
Idan Eisner, Alek Vainshtein | 81-82 |
Enumeration and Random Generation of Concurrent Computations | PostScript PDF |
Olivier Bodini, Antoine Genitrini, Frédéric Peschanski | 83-96 |
On total variation approximations for random assemblies | PostScript PDF |
Eugenijus Manstavičius | 97-108 |
Some exact asymptotics in the counting of walks in the quarter plane | PostScript PDF |
Guy Fayolle, Kilian Raschel | 109-124 |
Biased Boltzmann samplers and generation of extended linear languages with shuffle | PostScript PDF |
Alexis Darrasse, Konstantinos Panagiotou, Olivier Roussel, Michèle Soria | 125-140 |
On the number of transversals in random trees | PostScript PDF |
Bernhard Gittenberger, Veronika Kraus | 141-154 |
Generic properties of random subgroups of a free group for general distributions | PostScript PDF |
Frédérique Bassino, Cyril Nicaud, Pascal Weil | 155-166 |
Matching solid shapes in arbitrary dimension via random sampling | PostScript PDF |
Daria Schymura | 167-178 |
On Bernoulli Sums and Bernstein Polynomials | PostScript PDF |
Jacek Cichoń, Zbigniew Gołȩbiewski | 179-190 |
Support and density of the limit m-ary search trees distribution | PostScript PDF |
Brigitte Chauvin, Quansheng Liu, Nicolas Pouyanne | 191-200 |
Adaptive compression against a countable alphabet | PostScript PDF |
Dominique Bontemps, Stéphane Boucheron, Elisabeth Gassiat | 201-218 |
Exactly solvable balanced tenable urns with random entries via the analytic methodology | PostScript PDF |
Basile Morcrette, Hosam M. Mahmoud | 219-232 |
Locally Restricted Compositions IV. Nearly Free Large Parts and Gap-Freeness | PostScript PDF |
Edward A. Bender, E. Rodney Canfield, Zhicheng Gao | 233-242 |
The weighted words collector | PostScript PDF |
Jérémie du Boisberranger, Danièle Gardy, Yann Ponty | 243-264 |
A phase transition in the distribution of the length of integer partitions | PostScript PDF |
Dimbinaina Ralaivaosaona | 265-282 |
The Euclid algorithm is ``totally'' gaussian | PostScript PDF |
Brigitte Vallée | 283-302 |
Joint String Complexity for Markov Sources | PostScript PDF |
Philippe Jacquet, Wojciech Szpankowski | 303-322 |
Data Streams as Random Permutations: the Distinct Element Problem | PostScript PDF |
Ahmed Helmi, Jérémie Lumbroso, Conrado Martínez, Alfredo Viola | 323-338 |
Exact L2-Distance from the Limit for QuickSort Key Comparisons (Extended Abstract) | PostScript PDF |
Patrick Bindjeme, James Allen Fill | 339-348 |
The Limiting Distribution for the Number of Symbol Comparisons Used by QuickSort is Nondegenerate (Extended Abstract) | PostScript PDF |
Patrick Bindjeme, James Allen Fill | 349-360 |
Stokes polyhedra for X-shaped polyminos | PostScript PDF |
Yu. Baryshnikov, L. Hickok, N. Orlow, S. Son | 361-364 |
Mean field analysis for inhomogeneous bike sharing systems | PostScript PDF |
Christine Fricker, Nicolas Gast, Hanene Mohamed | 365-376 |
On Greedy Trie Execution | PostScript PDF |
Zbigniew Gołȩbiewski, Filip Zagórski | 377-380 |
On the Number of 2-Protected Nodes in Tries and Suffix Trees | PostScript PDF |
Jeffrey Gaither, Yushi Homma, Mark Sellke, Mark Daniel Ward | 381-398 |
Analysis of Digital Expansions of Minimal Weight | PostScript PDF |
Florian Heigl, Clemens Heuberger | 399-412 |
Mixing times of Markov chains on 3-Orientations of Planar Triangulations | PostScript PDF |
Sarah Miracle, Dana Randall, Amanda Pascoe Streib, Prasad Tetali | 413-424 |
Toward the asymptotic count of bi-modular hidden patterns under probabilistic dynamical sources: a case study | PostScript PDF |
Loïck Lhote, Manuel E. Lladser | 425-452 |
Infinite Systems of Functional Equations and Gaussian Limiting Distributions | PostScript PDF |
Michael Drmota, Bernhard Gittenberger, Johannes F. Morgenbesser | 453-478 |
Simply generated trees, conditioned Galton-Watson trees, random allocations and condensation: Extended abstract | PostScript PDF |
Svante Janson | 479-490 |